The Top 10 HRIS Systems in 2023: A Comprehensive Review

Explore the leading HRIS systems, empowering businesses with cutting-edge human resource technology. Discover top-notch solutions for seamless workforce management and enhanced productivity

Brett Ungashick
OutSail HRIS Advisor
August 14, 2023
Comparison of top HRIS logos

As businesses continue to navigate the dynamic landscape of human resources, the role of HRIS (Human Resources Information Systems) systems has become increasingly pivotal. These sophisticated platforms streamline HR operations, enhance employee experiences, and drive organizational growth. In this comprehensive review, we'll delve into the top 10 HRIS systems of 2023, exploring their features, pros, and cons and identifying the best scenarios for their application.

Introduction: The Evolving Landscape of HRIS Systems

In the modern workplace, the significance of HRIS systems cannot be overstated. These systems are the backbone of HR departments, facilitating everything from employee onboarding to payroll management. As technology advances, so do the capabilities of HRIS systems. They now offer diverse features that can transform the HR landscape.

BambooHR: Features, Pros, Cons, Best For

BambooHR has established itself as a formidable HRIS player with its user-friendly interface and robust feature set. It simplifies employee record-keeping, benefits administration, and performance management. While its intuitive design is a standout feature, it might lack some of the more advanced capabilities required by larger enterprises.


  1. User-Friendly Interface: BambooHR's intuitive design makes it easy for HR professionals to navigate and manage various tasks efficiently.
  2. Competitive Pricing: Offering a broad range of modules at a reasonable cost, BambooHR is a cost-effective solution for SMBs.
  3. Integrated Payroll: The integration of payroll functionality enhances its appeal by providing a seamless HRIS and payroll system.
  4. Strong Customer Support: With a positive company culture, BambooHR maintains high employee retention and delivers quality customer support.
  5. Versatile Integrations: BambooHR's pre-built integrations with leading third-party HR tools offer flexibility and compatibility.


  1. Limited Customizability: While quick to deploy, BambooHR's off-the-shelf nature might limit extensive customization, particularly in workflows and permissions.
  2. Benefits Administration System: The newly introduced benefits administration platform is still unproven and requires further validation.
  3. Basic Performance Tools: BambooHR's performance and time & attendance tools lack flexibility and advanced customization options.

Best For:

Small to mid-sized businesses seeking an easy-to-use, cost-effective HRIS solution with strong customer support and pre-built integrations.

Paylocity: Features, Pros, Cons, Best For

Paylocity emerges as a comprehensive HRIS option focusing on payroll and talent management. Its robust reporting tools and mobile accessibility empower HR professionals and employees alike. However, its extensive features might be overwhelming for organizations with simpler needs.


  1. Market Leader: Paylocity is a well-established player in the mid-market HRIS space with a strong focus on Core HR functionality.
  2. Smart Acquisitions: Paylocity's strategic technology acquisitions enhance its capabilities and position for future growth.
  3. Enhanced User Interface: A recent update to the user interface has made Paylocity's platform cleaner and more inviting.
  4. Onboarding Excellence: Paylocity's onboarding module receives high praise for its seamless integration of IT and HR tasks.
  5. Integration Marketplace: Paylocity offers a rich integration marketplace with pre-built integrations with leading third-party tools.


  1. Scaling Customer Support: As the customer base grows, Paylocity's customer support scalability lags, leading to challenges in implementation and service.
  2. Admin Experience: Some modules, like benefits administration and time & attendance, rely on third-party partners, leading to a less unified experience.
  3. Talent Management Gap: Paylocity's talent management suite, including performance, recruiting, and engagement, might lack robustness for some organizations.

Best For:

Mid-sized companies seeking a strong Core HR offering enhanced by strategic acquisitions and a focus on integration capabilities.

Rippling: Features, Pros, Cons, Best For

Rippling distinguishes itself through its unified platform that combines HR, IT, and operations. It's onboarding and offboarding automation, and robust security features make it a standout choice. Nevertheless, its breadth might be excessive for smaller businesses.


  1. Modern User Experience: Rippling stands out with its highly regarded modern user experience and design.
  2. Innovative Onboarding: Rippling's onboarding module integrates IT and HR tasks, enhancing efficiency.
  3. Robust Integration: Rippling excels at integrating with third-party software, offering pre-built integrations with leading workflow tools.
  4. Global Capabilities: Including global payroll and EOR sets Rippling apart, providing an integrated global HRIS solution.
  5. Dynamic Workflow Builder: Rippling's dynamic workflow builder facilitates automated actions using third-party data.


  1. Lack of Performance & Engagement Modules: Rippling currently does not offer dedicated performance and engagement modules, relying on integrations.
  2. Small Business Concentration: Rippling's primary user base consists of small businesses, potentially raising questions about scalability.
  3. Founding Team Background: Rippling's founding team's history with Zenefits might require careful consideration.

ADP: Features, Pros, Cons, Best For

ADP, a veteran player in the HRIS field, continues to offer a comprehensive suite of solutions. Its scalability and flexibility accommodate businesses of all sizes. However, its pricing might pose challenges for smaller businesses.


  1. Strong Core HR Offering: ADP's comprehensive suite covers payroll, time, benefits, and compliance, catering to large and complex organizations.
  2. Payroll & Tax Expertise: ADP's payroll and tax services are backed by industry-leading domain expertise.
  3. Outsourced Services: ADP's outsourcing services allow HR teams to focus on strategic work by handling payroll, benefits, and compliance.
  4. Benchmarking Capabilities: ADP's reporting enables benchmarking against industry peers, offering valuable insights.
  5. Integration and API: ADP's recent opening of APIs and pre-built integrations enhance its compatibility with third-party tools.


  1. Customer Support Scalability: ADP's customer support might face challenges due to its vast customer base and numerous support divisions.
  2. Rigidity in Customization: ADP's platform can be rigid and less customizable for certain users, necessitating process alignment.
  3. Complex Pricing: ADP's pricing structure might lack transparency and lead to difficulties in understanding monthly invoices.

Best For:

Large companies seeking a strong Core HR suite, outsourced services, benchmarking capabilities, and a comprehensive suite of HR tools.

UKG Pro: Features, Pros, Cons, Best For

Formerly known as Kronos, UKG Pro provides a robust HRIS platform with a strong focus on workforce management and employee engagement. Its analytical capabilities empower data-driven decision-making, though it might offer more features than necessary for simpler HR needs.


  1. HCM Pioneer: UKG Pro (formerly UltiPro) has a deep history of serving the mid-enterprise segment, offering an experienced and well-rounded solution.
  2. Modern Enhancements: UKG Pro continuously updates its UI and features, ensuring a pleasant user experience for both administrators and end-users.
  3. Comprehensive HR & Talent Management: UKG Pro excels in both HR and talent management, offering a more holistic solution than some competitors.
  4. Global Payroll Services: UKG Pro's partnership with Immedis enables robust global payroll capabilities.
  5. Strong Reporting & Dashboards: UKG Pro's AI-backed reporting tools receive strong reviews from administrators.


  1. Legacy Architecture: Some of UKG Pro's older architecture might challenge agile, custom integrations.
  2. Module Diversity: UKG Pro's modules were added via acquisition, potentially leading to some integration complexities.
  3. Customer Support for Smaller Clients: Support for UKG Pro's smallest customers could be low-touch, possibly impacting user experience.

Best For:

Mid-sized enterprises seeking a well-rounded HRIS solution, strong talent management tools, modern UI, and global payroll capabilities.

Systems 6 to 10: Brief Overviews


Workday shines in its user-friendly design and robust HR capabilities. Its cloud-based approach ensures flexibility and accessibility, although the pricing might not suit smaller businesses.


Ceridian's Dayforce platform offers comprehensive HR and payroll solutions. Its predictive analytics drive informed decision-making, but the sheer range of features could overwhelm some organizations.


Paycom's single software application streamlines HR processes, payroll, and talent management. It's lauded for its ease of use, but the pricing could be a drawback for certain businesses.


With a user-friendly interface, Paycor focuses on HR, payroll, and timekeeping. Its reporting tools are a highlight, while limited customization options could be a potential concern.

Coastal Payroll:

Coastal Payroll excels in personalized customer service and HR solutions tailored to the organization's needs. However, its regional focus might limit its suitability for businesses outside its coverage area.

Conclusion: Choosing the Right HRIS for Your Organization

Selecting the ideal HRIS system for your organization requires carefully assessing your needs, priorities, and budget. Each of the top 10 HRIS systems discussed here has unique features. Whether it's user-friendliness, scalability, or comprehensive analytics, there's an option to match every organizational requirement.


  1. What is an HRIS system? An HRIS (Human Resources Information System) is a software platform that centralizes HR processes, such as employee management, payroll, benefits administration, and more.
  2. Are these HRIS systems suitable for all business sizes? While some HRIS systems cater to businesses of all sizes, others are more suitable for specific scales. It's essential to choose one that aligns with your company's needs.
  3. What factors should I consider when selecting an HRIS system? Factors such as the size of your business, required features, budget, and integration capabilities should be considered.
  4. Can I customize these HRIS systems to my company's requirements? The level of customization varies among different HRIS systems. Some offer extensive customization options, while others might have limitations.
  5. How do I ensure a smooth transition to a new HRIS system? Proper planning, training, and effective change management are crucial for a seamless transition to a new HRIS system.
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Brett Ungashick
OutSail HRIS Advisor
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Meet the Author

Brett Ungashick
OutSail HRIS Advisor
Brett Ungashick, the friendly face behind OutSail, started his career at LinkedIn, selling HR software. This experience sparked an idea, leading him to create OutSail in 2018. Based in Denver, OutSail simplifies the HR software selection process, and Brett's hands-on approach has already helped over 1,000 companies, including SalesLoft, Hudl and DoorDash. He's a go-to guy for all things HR Tech, supporting companies in every industry and across 20+ countries. When he's not demystifying HR tech, you'll find Brett enjoying a round of golf or skiing down Colorado's slopes, always happy to chat about work or play.

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