Takeaways from the 2023 HR Tech Conference: Changing Tides or a New Era in HR Tech?

Explore key insights from the HR Tech Conference in our newsletter, discussing market trends, the future of point solutions, and the role of AI in HR Tech.

Brett Ungashick
OutSail HRIS Advisor
October 18, 2023
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Hello, fellow tech enthusiasts and HR trailblazers!

Fresh off the HR Tech Conference, I'm pondering a few questions that the industry should be mulling over. Let's dissect the conference's vibes and take a deeper look at the future landscape of HR Tech.

1. The Cooling of the HR Tech Market?

The conference floor wasn’t buzzing with the same energy we’ve seen over the last five years. Was it just me or was there a palpable shift? Our data shows a 33% elongation in buying cycles in 2023 versus 2022. Plus, an uptick in buyers scanning the market, only to decide against a switch. The brilliant Stacey Harris from Sapient Insights echoed these sentiments, predicting a modest budget squeeze this year.

Remember when global EOR vendors like Deel, Papaya, and Atlas made grand entrances with show-stopping booths? This year felt more... subdued. Even potential game-changers like Darwinbox kept it classy and compact. The event’s ambiance painted a picture of an industry reacting to a tighter economy, prioritizing strategic presence over flamboyant showcases.

However, before you think of pulling your HCM investments, consider this...

2. What is the Fate of Point Solutions?

In the era of low-interest rate opulence, firms indulged in best-in-class, niche tech solutions—even if they did just one thing exceedingly well. But with economic winds shifting, are these point solutions facing an uncertain future? I sense a storm brewing. There's an emerging trend: companies bundling more modules into their core HCM/HRIS platforms, veering away from point solutions.

But here’s the twist. Those point solutions that have achieved a sort of "tech escape velocity" – transforming into full-blown platforms like Beamery, Eightfold and Lattice – might just weather the storm. And for the others? They could be ripe pickings for HCM/HRIS companies looking for bargain acquisitions.

Many folks with more years of experience in the HR Tech world have told me that the pendulum always swings back-and-forth from companies opting for a more all-in-one bundled approach then back to a best-in-class point solution approach. My question: is this just one of those cyclical swings or will the platforms be able to build a moat through their secure place in companies' budgets and their ability to make discounted acquisitions?

3. AI: More Sizzle Than Steak?

AI took center stage at the conference, with every other keynote painting a rosy AI-infused future. However, when it's time to sign the check, AI still seems like the fancy dessert you skip because the main course (read: core HR functions) is hefty and fulfilling on its own.

Only 16% of companies, according to Sapient Insights, are setting funds aside for AI next year. The chorus among buyers remains consistent: get the fundamentals of payroll, time, and benefits right first. AI is garnish, not the main ingredient.

Final Thoughts

As I reflect on the conference and the year ahead, I foresee a tempering in overall HR Tech spending. But here's the silver lining: it’s not about spending less, but spending differently. Businesses will reshuffle, reprioritize, and reconsider. As the dust settles, I'm eager to see which vendors—be it massive platforms or agile point solutions—emerge stronger, having navigated the challenges adeptly.

Buckle up. The HR Tech ride is taking a new turn, and I, for one, am all in for the journey. Till next month!

Was there a noticeable shift in the HR Tech market at the 2023 HR Tech Conference?

Yes, there was a palpable shift in the atmosphere, with a 33% elongation in buying cycles and an increase in buyers scanning the market but deciding against switching vendors. This suggests a modest budget squeeze in the HR Tech industry for the year.

What was the trend regarding point solutions at the conference?

Companies are bundling more modules into their core HCM/HRIS platforms, moving away from niche point solutions. However, point solutions that have evolved into full-blown platforms may weather the economic challenges, while others could become acquisition targets for larger HCM/HRIS companies.

Was AI a significant topic of discussion at the conference?

Yes, AI was prominent at the conference, with many keynotes highlighting its potential. However, actual investment in AI remains modest, with only 16% of companies setting funds aside for AI next year. Many buyers prioritize getting the fundamentals of core HR functions right before investing in AI.

What are the final thoughts on the future of HR Tech after the conference?

Despite a tempering in overall HR Tech spending, the focus is on spending differently rather than spending less. Businesses will reshuffle, reprioritize, and reconsider their investments. It remains to be seen which vendors, whether massive platforms or agile point solutions, will emerge stronger after navigating the challenges of the changing HR Tech landscape.

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OutSail HRIS Advisor
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Meet the Author

Brett Ungashick
OutSail HRIS Advisor
Brett Ungashick, the friendly face behind OutSail, started his career at LinkedIn, selling HR software. This experience sparked an idea, leading him to create OutSail in 2018. Based in Denver, OutSail simplifies the HR software selection process, and Brett's hands-on approach has already helped over 1,000 companies, including SalesLoft, Hudl and DoorDash. He's a go-to guy for all things HR Tech, supporting companies in every industry and across 20+ countries. When he's not demystifying HR tech, you'll find Brett enjoying a round of golf or skiing down Colorado's slopes, always happy to chat about work or play.

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